About Chhabi Electricals

Electricals is a renowned name in world-class electrical solutions. Led by a passionate team of professionals,
we have successfully installed over 10,000 DC power soution across 26 countries.

The Present and Future of EV Charging!

Key for a Cleaner & Greener Tomorrow

Welcome to Chhabi Electricals, your trusted provider of advanced EV charging solutions for an innovative electric experience. With a focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, at Chhabi, we are committed to being catalysts in the evolution of EV charging infrastructure for a brighter future. With over 50 years of experience in the manufacturing industry,

Chhabi Electricals is a renowned name in world-class electrical solutions. Led by a passionate team of professionals, we have successfully installed over 10,000 DC power soution across 26 countries.

Shape the future of e-mobility with us. Choose Chhabi Electricals for cutting-edge EV charging solutions that meet today's and tomorrow's demands. Together, let's drive towards a brighter, greener, and electrifying tomorrow.

Our Mission

We aim to revolutionise EV charging with innovative charging solutions, accelerate EV adoption, and consequently contribute to a greener and more sustainable present and future. Our goal is to make EV charging accessible and convenient for EV owners, fleets, and businesses alike.

- Advance E-mobility

- Drive Innovations

- Foster Collaborative Partnerships

- Make EV Charging Accessible & Convenient

- Deliver Excellent Products & Services

Our Vision

We envision becoming a global leader in EV charging solutions provider by 2030, a prominent catalyst in shaping the future of electric mobility where EV charging is seamlessly integrated into the fabric of daily life, empowering sustainable mobility and creating a cleaner future for generations to come.

Our Values

The core of our values is customer satisfaction built on the strong premises of the highest quality products and services. In addition, we foster a culture of innovation and integrity and ethics in our business practices which form the basic fundamentals of our policies.